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Concert 2001

The 2001 Come Together concert held on the 30th of April at Cosmopolite in Oslo was aimed at combating racism. The idea was initiated after the cruel killing of Benjamin Hermansen who was murdered in Oslo because of the colour of his skin.

Speeches supporting the view that the world is one and that man can not continue to deny the importance of sharing what belongs to all mankind were made by Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Norway, and Mr. Happy Mahlangu, the South African Ambassador to Norway.

The event brought together well known Norwegian artists of different racial backgrounds such as Mari Boine, Jonas Fjeld, Jørn Hoel, Stig Van Eijk, Raya, Torhild Sivertsen, Steinar Albrigtsen, Cheb Hocine, Dennis Otone and the Rhythm Ace, Bendik Hofseth, Zikalo, Pancha Embla, Zanza, Jon Poindexter and  Ken Simuyemba.


This event was organized in collaboration with Purr Productions,  LO, Oslo Arbeiderparti, Nopa, Norsk folkehjelp, AOF, Gramart, Musikernes Fellesorganisasjon  and Handel og Kontor.

Come Together for Zero Hunger & No Homelessness

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